Google analytics austria
The Austrian Google Analytics decision: The race is on
07.02.2022 — The recent decision by the Austrian Data Protection Authority that the use of Google Analytics violates the EU General Data Protection …
Last month, the Austrian data protection authority fired the starting gun by issuing the most impactful post-“Schrems II” enforcement decision to date.
Google Analytics violates the GDPR (in Austria) – SICODA
Google Analytics verstößt (in Österreich) gegen die DS-GVO – SICODA
According to the Data Protection Authority of the Republic of Austria, the use of Google Analytics violates the GDPR. Although the Austrian authority considers …
Google Analytics verstößt gegen die DS-GVO
UPDATE on noyb’s 101 complaints: Austrian DPA rejects “risk …
UPDATE on noyb’s 101 complaints: Austrian DPA rejects “risk based approach” for data transfers to third countries
02.05.2022 — After the groundbreaking decisions by the Austrian and French DPA that the use of Google Analytics is illegal, the Austrian DPA has now …
While some DPAs thoroughly investigated noyb’s 101 cases on EU-US Data Transfers, others just started dismissing cases for questionalbe reason. Is the coordinated effort promoted by the EDPB failing?
Austrian DSB: EU-US data transfers to Google Analytics illegal
13.01.2022 — Austrian DSB: Use of Google Analytics violates “Schrems II” decision by CJEU. … In a groundbreaking decision, the Austrian Data Protection …
In a groundbreaking decision, the Austrian Data Protection Authority has decided on a model case by noyb that the continuous use of Google Analytics violates the GDPR.
austrian data protection authority rejects risk based approach
Use of Google analytics (still) breaches the GDPR – austrian data protection authority rejects risk based approach | International Network of Privacy Law Professionals
16.08.2022 — Use of Google analytics (still) breaches the GDPR – austrian data protection authority rejects risk based approach · 2.1 Data transmitted through …
The Austrian Data Protection Authority (DPA) decided in another decision (22nd of April 2022, D155.026, 2022-0.298.191) that the use of Google Analytics (GA) is (still) violating the GDPR. The DPA held that the transfer of personal data to the US in light of the Schrems II decision is particularly problematic. In this second decision on the usage of GA the DPA explicitly rejects the “risk-based approach” for data transfers to third countries.
Second decision of the Austrian DPA on Google Analytics
» Second decision of the Austrian DPA on Google Analytics
The Austrian Data Protection Authority issued a second ruling, finding that Google’s IP anonymization is insufficient for data transfers between the EU and …
France joins Austria in finding Google Analytics illegal
10.02.2022 — The Austrian Data Protection Authority has decided that the use of Google Analytics violates the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
use of Google Analytics found to breach GDPR
Landmark decision in Austria: use of Google Analytics found to breach GDPR
10.02.2022 — In a recent decision, the Austrian Data Protection Authority (“DPA”) held that the use of Google Analytics violates the GDPR because it does not …
Austria: DSB reaffirms unlawfulness of Google Analytics …
Austria: DSB reaffirms unlawfulness of Google Analytics, rejects risk-based approach to data transfers | News post | DataGuidance
03.05.2022 — Austria: DSB reaffirms unlawfulness of Google Analytics, rejects risk-based approach to data transfers … On 17 August 2020, NOYB filed 101 …
None of your business (‘NOYB’) published, on 2 May 2022, a decision issued by the Austian data protection authority on 22 April 2022, in which the DSB ruled
The Austrian Data Protection Authority Ground-breaking …
The Austrian Data Protection Authority Ground-breaking Google Analytics Decision: Analysis and Key Takeaways
02.02.2022 — The Austrian DPA’s Decision does not prohibit the use of Google Analytics across the EU from a legal standpoint. The Austrian DPA’s competence …
The Austrian data protection authority (Österreichische Datenschutzbehörde; Austrian DPA) recently ruled that the use of Google Analytics violated Chapter V (transfers of personal data to third parties) of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in light of the Schrems II judgment issued by the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) on July 16, 2020.
Keywords: google analytics austria, austria google analytics